Our Clinics
The Story of ScoliCare’s Clinics
ScoliCare CEO and Founder, Dr Jeb McAviney has always had a passion for scoliosis treatment. This complicated condition presents a challenge to health professionals from all fields, and requires specific training and understanding on how to assess, diagnose and treat each individual case with the most appropriate treatment options.
Dr McAviney realised that there were very few, if any, dedicated scoliosis treatment centres where patients could get the right advice and the right treatment for their scoliosis. In most cases, non-surgical scoliosis treatment was only offered by health professionals whose focus was not primarily scoliosis or even structural rehabilitation.
The first ScoliCare Clinic was founded in Sydney, Australia in 2011 and since then ScoliCare has opened locations in Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide, as well as a second Sydney North location. These clinics are purely dedicated to scoliosis patients, and to patients with a similar condition known as hyperkyphosis.
Now ScoliCare clinics, ScoliCare franchise clinics, ScoliCare affiliate clinics, and clinics with trained providers offering our unique bracing system and physiotherapeutic scoliosis specific exercise program exist around the world. Find your nearest clinic here.

ScoliCare and Affiliate Clinics
ScoliCare Adelaide
5/267 Melbourne Street
North Adelaide
SA 5006
1300 883 884
ScoliCare Brisbane
Suite 2.17, Level 2
956 Gympie Road
Chermside QLD 4032
1300 883 884
ScoliCare Melbourne
Suite 6.01, Level 6
492 St Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 3004
1300 883 884
ScoliCare Sydney (North)
Suite 217, Level 2, Parkway San Clinic
172 Fox Valley Road
Wahroonga NSW 2076
1300 883 884
ScoliCare Sydney (South)
Suite 5.08, Level 5
15 Kensington Street
Kogarah NSW 2217
1300 883 884
ScoliCare Denver Colorado
8601 Turnpike Drive, Suite 206
CO 80031
303 955 1919
ScoliCare East Phoenix Arizona
1355 S. Higley Rd, Suite 103
AZ 85296
480 892 0022
ScoliCare Louisville Kentucky
410 Commercial Drive
KY 40223
502 616 3743
ScoliCare Naples Florida
6291 Naples Boulevard
FL 34109
239 513 9004
Chiropractic Works
127 Sheridan Street
Cairns QLD 4870
(07) 4031 3388
Gold Coast Scoliosis Clinic
Shop 6, 455 Oxley Drive
Runaway Bay QLD 4216
(07) 5500 6311
Interface Technology
1025 Wellington Street
West Perth WA 6005
(08) 9388 9779
Tasmanian Spine Service
Marian House, 49 Augusta Road
Lenah Valley
Hobart TAS 7008
(03) 6228 3777
ScoliCare Clinics, Affiliates and Brace Providers
Select your ‘Current Location’ or enter a country, city or suburb to find your closest ScoliCare Clinic, ScoliBrace Provider or ScoliBalance Provider. ScoliCare Clinics are premium providers of ScoliBrace and ScoliBalance.
ScoliCare Clinic
ScoliBalance Provider
ScoliBalance/ScoliBrace Provider
ScoliBrace Provider
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