Where Did Scoliosis Bracing Originate?

Today we know that scoliosis affects approximately 2-4% of adolescents. The treatment of scoliosis has evolved over the years, with various approaches being developed to manage the condition. One of the most effective treatments for scoliosis is the use of a brace to prevent further progression of the spinal curvature. But when was the first scoliosis brace invented? 

The history of scoliosis treatment dates back to ancient times, where the first references to spinal deformities were made in ancient Greek and Egyptian medical texts. However, it was not until the 16th century that the first recorded description of a spinal brace for the treatment of scoliosis was made by Ambroise Paré, a French surgeon. Paré’s brace was made of metal and leather and was designed to straighten the spine by applying pressure to the deformity. In the early 20th century, the Milwaukee brace was developed by Blount and Schmidt in the United States. The Milwaukee brace was a full-torso brace made of metal and leather that could be adjusted to apply pressure to different parts of the torso. The brace was effective in preventing further progression of scoliosis but was uncomfortable and cumbersome to wear.

Today, scoliosis braces are still used to treat scoliosis, and new advancements are being made to improve the comfort and effectiveness of these braces. Bracing is an effective treatment for scoliosis, especially when the condition is diagnosed early in children. So, while the first scoliosis brace was invented in the 16th century, brace design has evolved tremendously to incorporate more effective and comfortable design. Today, bracing is recognised as one of the key treatments in prevention and treatment of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis, especially when combined with scoliosis specific exercises delivered by a suitably trained health professional. 

To find out more about ScoliCare offers bracing as one of our treatment options. Find out more about scoliosis bracing.

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