Online Learning for Health Professionals

We Know That There is no one Size Fits all Approach for Treating Scoliosis. We Think Learning Should be the Same.

We are excited to launch our online ‘Essentials of Scoliosis Management’ course for health professionals.

It’s an introductory, evidence based course (approx. 8 hours) which covers the fundamentals of scoliosis assessment, classification and management, and has been developed by leading authority on scoliosis, Jeb McAviney, and the ScoliCare clinical and educational team. 

Being online, it’s a flexible option for busy clinicians and can be completed over 3 months so you can learn at your own pace.

The course is part of ScoliCare Academy, joining our scoliosis seminars and other online events with the aim of better educating health professionals about scoliosis to provide quality and appropriate care to patients with scoliosis and other spinal conditions.

For clinicians, aiming to get the best outcomes for their patients, this course is a great first step  to:

  • Ensure you have fundamental knowledge to minimise your risk of missing or mis-diagnosing scoliosis
  • Recognise the different presentations of patients
  • Understand the conservative treatment options available
  • Be able to discuss referral options with patients and their families, and refer the patient for appropriate assessment and guidance. 

No  matter your health profession – doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath, exercise physiologist – it is likely that you will see a patient with scoliosis at some stage in your career.

Make sure you can recognise the signs and get them the care they need, when they need it.

Click here to request the course syllabus and to enrol.


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Get a free online scoliosis check with ScoliScreen

Get a free online scoliosis check with ScoliScreen

Get a free online scoliosis check with ScoliScreen

Get a free online scoliosis check with ScoliScreen