Adult Scoliosis eBook

It is estimated that up to 68% of adults aged 60-90 years will have an adult scoliosis.*

Discovering you have scoliosis as an adult can be a complex and challenging experience with a range of physical and emotional factors involved.

  • This eBook serves as your roadmap to better understanding scoliosis as it relates to adults. It will cover various aspects of adult scoliosis, including types, symptoms, how to diagnose and treatment options.

* McAviney J, Roberts C, Sullivan B, Alevras AJ, Graham PL, Brown BT. The prevalence of adult de novo scoliosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Spine J. 2020 Dec;29(12):2960-2969. doi: 10.1007/s00586-020-06453-0. Epub 2020 May 22. PMID: 32440771. | Schwab F, Dubey A, Gamez L, El Fegoun AB, Hwang K, Pagala M, Farcy JP (2005) Adult scoliosis: prevalence, SF-36, and nutritional parameters in an elderly volunteer population. Spine 30(9):1082–1085

Empower Yourself with Our Comprehensive Scoliosis eBooks

Gain valuable insights and and enhance your understanding with our eBooks on scoliosis. Each is designed to help you navigate the complexities of scoliosis for both children, adolescents and adults with confidence.


Developed by professionals with extensive experience in scoliosis care.


Featuring an easy to follow format and design. Easy to save and refer back to.


Valuable information to help you or your loved one navigate the journey.


Offers an overview of the key aspects of scoliosis, from early diagnosis to advanced treatment options.

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Book an appointment online at ScoliCare Louisville Kentucky