Interview with Scoliosis Clinician Dr. T. Foster Bryant

Dr. T. Foster Bryant is a Scoliosis Clinician in our Naples Florida ScoliCare clinic. He has 20+ years of experience as a certified Chiropractic BioPhysics Doctor along with a fellowship in pediatrics. He is a member of The International Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) and recently attended the 2023 Spine Week conference in Australia. Dr. T specializes in scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, spine care, and spinal rehabilitation.

Describe the types of scoliosis patients you see in your clinic.

I see patients of all ages, male and female, in our clinic. Everything from congenital scoliosis, which is where infants are born with a defect that causes a curvature of the spine, to juveniles and adolescents, all the way up to adults in their 90s. Most of the patients I see are older adults with de novo scoliosis, often called degenerative scoliosis. This is caused by spinal buckling and degeneration over many years, leading to the sideways curvature that is associated with scoliosis.

A large portion of our patient demographic is also made up of those diagnosed with Hyperkyphosis, which is an excessive rounding of the thoracic spine (upper back), also called ‘hunch back’.

It is often surprising how many adults we help in our clinic. A common-held belief is that after adolescence there is nothing to be done for scoliosis and the pain associated with it. Thanks to ScoliBrace, ScoliBalance, and the ScoliCare approach there is almost always something that we can do.

Describe common challenges faced by patients with scoliosis.

Many patients that present in the clinic have very little education on their condition and the recommendations they have been given. I make sure to spend time with each patient explaining what scoliosis is, the level of severity, the treatment options available, and answering any questions they may have. It is important to get the right education so patients can make informed decisions. My goal for each patient is to get the right treatment at the right time.

Why did you decide to work in the area of scoliosis?

This is one of my favorite questions. I decided to work in the area of scoliosis because it is the most challenging, and I love a good challenge. The many facets of each scoliosis case make every patient in the clinic unique.

A lot of people don’t know where to go and there are not many resources out there for those with scoliosis, especially adults that do not want surgery. I want to fill this need and be there for those diagnosed with Hyperkyphosis and Scoliosis to provide education, resources, and the right treatment at the right time.

We are proud to be the first ScoliCare Clinic in the United States. At ScoliCare we are World Leaders in scoliosis and look forward to helping patients here in Naples and nationwide.

At ScoliCare

We use an evidence-based approach to scoliosis and kyphosis assessment and treatment, so you can be confident you're getting the right advice and options for care.
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