
Scoliosis and kyphosis are complex conditions that require expert knowledge for effective management. Progressive or degenerative cases can worsen rapidly without the right care. Our aim is to offer our experience and expertise to assist healthcare professionals to get the best results for patients

Case Co-management

ScoliCare works closely with health professionals in all fields including Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, MDs and Surgeons. Traditional treatments for spinal pain such as spinal manipulation and core stabilization exercises can sometimes help a patient’s symptoms but rarely stop a scoliosis from worsening in a growing child or from deteriorating in a degenerating adult case. ScoliCare has managed and co-managed thousands of scoliosis cases, and we believe a team approach to care can often lead to the best patient outcomes.

If you are a health professional needing advice on a case, or just have questions about the chance of progression or suitable treatment options, contact us or send X-rays and case information via our Free X-ray Review service. To directly refer a patient to our Clinic, please fill out the health professional referral form below.

Health Professional Referral Form

ScoliCare welcomes referrals from other health professionals to co-manage patients with scoliosis, kyphosis, and related spinal conditions. 
Referring Health Professional Details

Patient Details

Health Summary