The ScoliCare Approach

About Us
ScoliCare is dedicated to providing non-surgical treatment options to help scoliosis and kyphosis patients around the world get better outcomes. Our clinics have an evidence-based approach to scoliosis and kyphosis case management. The team actively conducts and supports research into scoliosis and similar spinal conditions while our ScoliCare clinicians are leaders in providing scoliosis education to other health professionals.
What Makes Our Clinics Different?
ScoliCare Clinicians are highly trained and experienced in achieving better outcomes for scoliosis and kyphosis patients. ScoliCare’s unique approach ensures each patient is assessed accurately so the most appropriate treatment recommendations are offered using:
- A unique custom 3D Scoliosis Bracing System called ScoliBrace®
- Proprietary 3D scanning technology called BraceScan
- A scoliosis specific exercise program called ScoliBalance®
ScoliCare operates worldwide and has a network of scoliosis and kyphosis dedicated clinicians who collaborate to ensure we are at the forefront of treatment knowledge. As our clinics are dedicated to scoliosis and kyphosis patients only, we share this knowledge with other health professionals to make sure we offer the right treatment at the right time.
Our Vision
To be the world’s leading scoliosis treatment solution, giving more patients access to the right treatment at the right time.
Our Mission
Our core purpose is to pioneer and deliver the world’s best scoliosis treatment through innovation, education and patient-centered care.
Our Approach
Scoliosis is a complex condition with many factors that influence the chance of progression and recommendations for treatment. We always aim to deliver evidence-based, patient-centered care to help our patients, and patients of other health professionals, achieve the best treatment outcomes.
It is important to start with an accurate assessment of the posture, and then conduct X-rays where scoliosis or kyphosis is suspected. Our dedicated scoliosis clinicians provide recommendations for treatment that are tailored to the individual patient. Scoliosis treatment is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Treatments offered by our clinics include custom-made bracing (ScoliBrace) and scoliosis specific exercise (ScoliBalance). Patient treatment can be co-managed with the referring health professional.