Success Stories
from our Clinics
We’d like to thank our patients for their permission to use their images and results in our case studies. These studies are not to be reproduced without written permission from ScoliCare.
Case – Adult Bracing (87 year old female)
Female aged 87 years with adult degenerative scoliosis. Treatment of a severe scoliosis using a 3D designed custom scoliosis brace in an Older Female PatientCase – Adolescent Bracing (14 year old female)
Female aged 14 years with a 34° thoracolumbar curve. Reduction of Severe Scoliosis using a 3D Designed Custom Scoliosis Orthosis in a Young Active FemaleCase – Adolescent Bracing (12 year old male)
Reduction of a severe scoliosis in a young active male, using a 3D designed custom scoliosis orthosis and ScoliBalanceCase – Scoliosis Specific Exercise (14 year old female)
Reduction of a postural scoliosis in an adolescent using ScoliBalance (Scoliosis Specific Exercise Rehabilitation)Case – Scoliosis Specific Exercise (18 year old female)
Reduction of a scoliosis in a young adult using ScoliBalance (Scoliosis Specific Exercise Rehabilitation)Case – Juvenile Bracing (7 year old patient)
Patient aged 7 years with scoliosis thoracic curve measured at 32° and lumbar curve measured at 27° In-brace correction achieved with a custom 3D designed scoliosis brace compared with a standard TLSO in a juvenile scoliosis patient Summary: This case demonstrates the effect of a custom 3D designed scoliosis orthosis…
Case – Adult Bracing (78 year old female)
78 year old female patient with progressive idiopathic scoliosis into adulthood.Case – Infantile Bracing (3 year old female)
Female patient aged 3 years with an infantile scoliosis. Treatment of an infantile scoliosis using a custom 3D designed scoliosis brace. Summary: This case demonstrates the treatment of a moderate sized infantile scoliosis using a custom 3D designed rigid scoliosis orthosis in a 3-year-old female patient. The patient’s scoliosis had initially…
Case – Adult Bracing (56 year old female)
56 year old female patient with de novo degenerative scoliosis. Postural improvement, improved mobility and reduced pain in a female patient with de novo degenerative scoliosis using a 3D designed custom brace Summary: This case demonstrates the successful management of a patient with de novo degenerative scoliosis. The patient presented…
Case – Adolescent Bracing (14 year old female)
Reduction of a severe scoliosis in a young female gymnast using a 3D custom brace and ScoliBalance program.Case – Adolescent Bracing (14 year old male)
Male patient aged 14 years with a right thoracic curve measured at 49 degrees. Reduction of a severe scoliosis using a custom 3D over-corrective scoliosis brace and scoliosis specific rehabilitation in a 14-year-old male Summary: This case demonstrates the management of a young male athlete with a severe scoliosis using…
Case – Kyphosis Bracing (16 year old female)
Reduction of a Hyper-kyphosis in a 16-year-old female patient using a 3D designed kyphosis brace Case Background The patient presented to the ScoliCare clinic at 14 years of age with postural deformity and pain in the middle back. Examination Findings The patient was a pre-menarchal teenager who reported pain across…